Archive for the ‘Wife’ Category

Well if I was to sum up Valentine’s Day 2013 for Nanci I’d have to say “Sneaky Sneaky”. This morning started out with a plan and a list; yes I procrastinated and waited until the last minute as usual. First on my list was a stop at the Massage Studio in Tampa, the wife’s favorite place to get a massage and I do mean favorite. She loves the feel of the studio as well as the friendly staff and I can pretty much guarantee she’s already looking over the calendar to see when she can go if she hasn’t booked it already.

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Second on the hit list was the card, which will surprise you when I tell you how long it takes to find that special card. I can pretty much guarantee within 2 minutes tops I can have the perfect card picked out (and my system hasn’t failed me yet). I’ll sit there and just browse the card and can tell you which one is the perfect one for her even before reading the inside. Not quite sure how it works exactly, but I always manage to pick the right one.

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Third on the list is the wine which was a no brainer, although I didn’t give into temptation and I bought her the smaller one. So the wine of choice for her was a Barefoot Moscato which anyone who knows the wife will agree that it’s her favorite. Funny but I remember the days she didn’t like wine and now we always seem to have a bottle in the house.

Now for the most important part which would be the flowers. Flowers for the wife are generally hit or miss as she’d be perfectly happy without. I chose to get them because I felt it would be a good change and a pleasant surprise. Then my next thought came to mind and I ended up with two bouquets of flowers. Two for the wife you ask, well not exactly. I decided to buy flowers for my mother-in-law as she deserves flowers too and my father-in-law would have wanted her to have some too. He passed in December of 2010 but I feel as he was there inside my head telling to buy the flowers. All in all I feel like it was a great Valentine’s Day and what I feel is going to be one of the best years yet.

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What special things did you do for your significant other for Valentine’s Day? How did it make them feel?